Jan 20

Meie Kogud

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EAV kogudes leidub arhiividokumente, trükiseid, fotosid, helilinte, heliplaate, filme ja videolinte, kunsti ja käsitööd.

Need on materjalid, mis on seotud eestlaste eluga British Columbias. Näiteks on kogus:
– „Meie Kodu“ ehitusplaanid, filmimaterjali maja ehitamisest, nurgakivi paigaldamisest ja avamistseremooniast
– erakogu Eesti kogukonna seltskondlikel üritustel tehtud must-valgetest ja värvifotodest ja slaididest;
– helisalvestused meie vanemate elanikega Eesti iseseisvumise eel tehtud intervjuudest
– erafotoalbumid
– maalid
– trofeed
– kohalike Eesti organisatsioonide arhiividokumendid: Vancouveri Eesti Selts (VES, Vancouver Estonian Society), Eesti Kultuuri Ühing Kanadas (Society for the Advancement of Estonian Studies in Canada, SAESC), Vancouveri Eesti Pensionäride Ühing (Estonian Senior Citizen Association of Vancouver, ESCAV)
– täielik kogu kohaliku Eesti infolehe „Läänekaare Postipoiss“ numbritest
– lipud
– margid
– käsitöö

Jan 20

About Our Collections

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The Estonian Archives of Vancouver hold a rich array of items that capture the history, culture, and experiences of the Estonian community in Canada. Our collections include archival documents, publications, photographs, journals, artifacts, audio recordings, films, and handicrafts, each providing a unique window into the lives of the people and organizations that helped shape our community. Some examples:

  • Meie Kodu” Archive: This special archive features architectural drawings of the building, as well as rare film footage documenting its construction, cornerstone-laying ceremony, and official opening.
  • Audiotapes of Interviews: An oral history collection preserving the voices and stories of community members over the years.
  • Personal Photo Albums: A collection of private family photographs, capturing daily life and significant events.
  • Paintings and Art: Works created by Estonian-Canadian artists, reflecting cultural themes and personal experiences.
  • Trophies and Pins: Memorabilia from community achievements and commemorative events.
  • Documents on Local Estonian Organizations: Archival records from the Vancouver Estonian Society, Estonian Senior Citizens Association of Vancouver, and the Society for the Advancement of Estonian Studies in Canada.
  • The Läänekaare Postipoiss: A complete set of the local Estonian quarterly, also known as the West Coast Messenger.
  • Flags and Stamps: National symbols and unique postage that carry historical significance.
  • Traditional Handicrafts: Handcrafted items that embody Estonian heritage and artisan skills.

Each item within our collection brings to life the personal and communal stories that have defined the Estonian-Canadian experience. We invite you to explore these treasures to gain a deeper understanding of our shared heritage.