Eesti Arhiiv Vancouveris / Estonian Archives in Vancouver
Meie Kodu, 6520 Oak Street
Vancouver, B.C., V6P 3Z2, Canada
Name & Sponsor
The official name of the archives is the Estonian Archives in Vancouver in English, or Eesti Arhiiv Vancouveris in Estonian, abbreviated as EAV, and hereafter referred to as the Archives.
The Sponsor of the Archives is the Society for the Advancement of Estonian Studies in Canada in English,abbreviated as SAESC, and in Estonian Eesti Kultuuri Ühing Kanadas in Estonian, abbreviated as EKUK.
Location and Contact Information
The Archives is located at Meie Kodu owned by the Vancouver Estonian Church Foundation, at postal address 6520 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6P 3Z2, Canada.
The contact person is the EAV Archivist.
The work of the Archives will be directed by the Archives Committee of SAESC.
The work of the Archives will be carried out by the person appointed by SAESC as the EAV Archivist.
The Archives will operate according to the Policy Statement and Procedures accepted by SAESC.
The Archives is a non-profit undertaking, and the expenses of the Archives will be borne by SAESC, whether from donations or from income from fund raising activities.
The Policy Statement of the Archives can only be amended by SAESC with the approval of its membership.
The Archivist, members of the Archives Society and volunteer assistants will not be individually responsible for the financial contracts and responsibilities.
The mandate of the Archives is to:
1. Collect, store and preserve archival materials of persons of Estonian heritage and their heirs, and of Estonian organizations, in British Columbia,
2. Arrange and describe these material according to archival principles, as laid out in A Manual for Small Archives, c1999,of the Archives Association of British Columbia,
3. Make these materials accessible to researchers, unless access is restricted by agreement with the donor.
The Archives will accept donations of materials, which pertain to the life of Estonians in British Columbia, at the discretion of the Archivist.
Material donated to the EAV will become the property of the Archives.
The Archives retains the right to reproduce materials for conservation or research purposes.
The Archives will not purchase materials.
At the request of the donor the material deposited with the archives may be held closed to the public for an agreed upon length of time, to guarantee the desired level of privacy.
The Archives has the right to charge for reproduction and research services to cover expenses.
Disposal of Acquired Material
Deaccessioning of materials from the Archives will take place only at the recommendation of the Archivist, and with the written approval of both the Archives Committee and SAESC.
All information pertaining to the deaccessioning and disposition of material will be retained in the records of the Archives.
The Archival collection may not be sold, divided or taken for personal use, but the Archives has the right to transfer duplicate or inappropriate material to other appropriate nonprofit organizations.
Liquidations of the Archives
The liquidation of the Archives can only take place upon decision of SAESC at an annual meeting (or an extraordinary meeting called for the purpose) with the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members present.
1. The notice to liquidate must be sent to the members of SAESC in written format at least a month prior to the meeting called for the purpose.
2. Notice of the decision to liquidate the Archives will be sent to the City of Vancouver Archives, the Provincial Archives of British Columbia, the Public Archives Canada, the Estonian Central Archives in Canada, the Eesti Ajaloo Arhiiv in Tartu, and the Eesti Riigiarhiiv in Tallinn, to ascertain their interest and requirements for accepting the collection of the Archives.
3. After ascertaining the interest and ability of the above organization, SAESC will again meet to discuss the handing over of the Archives.
4. The liquidation will be carried out by SAESC according to the agreed to requirements of the accepting institution.
5. In the event that SAESC ceases to operate prior to the Archives, then the Archives will continue to operate as an independent organization according to the Archives Policy Statement and Procedures.