Jan 20

Tere tulemast Eesti Arhiivi Vancouveris kodulehele!

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Eesti Arhiiv Vancouveris asutati 2000. aastal. Eesti Kultuuri Ühing Kanadas moodustas Vancouveri eestlaskonna arhiivi kui mittetulutoova, vabatahtliku ja palgata tööjõuga tegutseva asutuse. Põhikiri ja kodukord valmisid 2005. aasta sügisel.

EAV tegevuse peaeesmärgiks on Vancouveri ja British Columbia eesti pagulaskonna ajaloo säilitamine nii kohapealseks kui ka laiemaks teadmiseks ja kasutamiseks.

Kodulehekülg on valminud EAV ja mittetulundusühingu Baltic Heritage Network koostööna.

Projekti rahastas Rahvuskaaslaste programm (Eesti Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium). Täname!

EAV asutaja liige

TEAS TANNER 1931-2016

Jan 20

Welcome to the Estonian Archives in Vancouver

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Founded in 2000 through the visionary efforts of Teas Tanner (1931-2016) and the SAESC.EKÜK Board, the Estonian Archives in Vancouver (EAV) is dedicated to preserving the history of the Estonian community in Vancouver and British Columbia. Our mission is to safeguard the stories, heritage, and contributions of our community, making them accessible for generations to come.

We gratefully acknowledge the following organizations that have partnered with EAV over the years:

  • The Compatriot Programme of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (material translated to English by Piret Noorhani, VEMU)
  • The Estonian National Archives, Tallinn, Estonia

Accessing Our Collections
We invite researchers, community members, and anyone interested in Estonian heritage to explore our collections by appointment. To arrange a visit or request specific materials, please reach out to us at saescinfo@gmail.com.

Thank you for visiting, and we hope you find inspiration and connection in the archives.