Eesti Arhiiv Vancouveris / Estonian Archives in Vancouver
Meie Kodu, 6520 Oak Street
Vancouver, B.C., V6P 3Z2, Canada
1 The Archivist will report to SAESC.
2 The archivist is responsible for the work and the business operation of the Archives, and is also an ex officio member of all archives related committees.
3. The archivist has the right to use volunteers, and to organize an Archives Society of those interested in the history of Estonian society in British Columbia.
4. The archivist’s duty is to catalog and organize the collections of the archives.
5. The archivist will carry out tasks requested from time to time by SAESC.
6. The Archivist will prepare and present the programs and budget of the Archives two months before the annual meeting of SAESC for ratification.
7. The financial report will be audited by the auditors of SAESC.
1. Training and experience with the operations of archives.
2. Working knowledge of both English and Estonian.
3. Familiarity with Estonian history, art and literature, particularly that of Estonians who settled in British Columbia.